Wheel Throwing and Pizza
Today was way less chaotic than usual in the ceramics studio. We are now decorating our vases using colored slip, but because my vase needs to dry more I had to apply many layers and wait for it to dry. While I was waiting for the layers to dry, I got on the wheel to trim my bowls, which are now finally all done. I must have been holding the board a little crooked because the bowl on the left looks lopsided... But here are my two! Luckily my professor did the demonstration on one of my bowls, so I only had to trim one. Whew!
After ceramics, I had museology which was very boring for once. We were supposed to watch a movie but our professor couldn't find it, and therefore didn't really have anything planned for class. Instead of letting us go, she brought up pictures of paintings and had us determine whether or not it was original. That dragged on for about an hour. But afterwards, my friend and I went to our favorite pizza place across the river (Gusta Pizza). We got there right at 7pm when they opened, but there were so many people there. We ended up getting the last two seats.
Anyways, I have to be up early for a lecture tomorrow and then I have to go to the studio to do some work so...
Ciao for now!
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