Crazy for ZaZa

Today was a homework day. I was able to sleep in late because my street was super quiet, and then I had leftover fajitas from last night. I was able to do all my Italian Cinema reading at the apartment before heading to school where I had to do museology reading. I was feeling very determined in the library so I decided to get ahead in my classes.

I also decided to go to the ceramics studio, where I finished part of my lid. The sun is now completely done, but I still have to carve the water. This is how it looks for the time being.

I was at school for nearly 3 hours so by the time I came home, it was almost time for dinner. My friend and I went to a trattoria called Zaza's which is only a few blocks away from my apartment. I had my new favorite meal here-- steak in a balsamic vinegar sauce! This time, it came with rosemary potatoes and I ordered a side salad (or should I say "salad"... They served me a bowl of lettuce. Luckily there was balsamic vinegar on the table so I could use that as dressing!)

When I got home, I was in such a food coma that I just marathoner NCIS. Tomorrow, my friend and I are going shopping, going to the chocolate festival that is in Florence until February 15, and going to our favorite pizza place in a non-touristy area of Florence. I can't wait!

Ciao for now!


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